If your cat falls out of a tree, go indoors to laugh.
— Patricia Hitchcock
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Stanley’s Stories
Scottish Folds, Their Condos and Cat Trees I remember the day I gave my Scottish Fold’s two-tiered cat condo away.
The condo had been Stanley’s for nearly a year. I bought it for several reasons. I figured it would provide double duty as a scratching post and it would provide an upgraded bed area. And it was nicer to look at than an ...
The Scottish Fold and the Camaro Before I tell you about my Scottish Fold kitten and the Camaro, I’m take the liberty here to set the stage and talk about what led up to the decision to purchase the car the kitten to be named Stanley became so familiar with.
I’d replaced the money pit (also known as my 1984 Maserati Biturbo) ...
One Change Once Becomes a Routine for My Scottish Fold. “Outside? Open the door?” Yep. It was clear my Scottish Fold was asking to go out!
It all began with the indoor grass. There wasn’t any, or should I say, it hadn’t yet sprouted and Stanley wanted a nibble.
It happened to be nice out that morning, so I picked up my Scottish Fold and carried him ...
More Scottish Fold Manipulations . . . . . . with brushing.
I’ve used a small, round stiff hairbrush for years. I’m not sure how it started, but a few years ago, Stanley decided when I was using this brush, it was time for him to get brushed.
Evidently, this brush was a much better experience than the three cat brushes I had purchased ...
Manipulations by a Scottish Fold It seems to me that the Scottish Fold in my household may be rather manipulative . . .
There is a quote by Donna McCrohan that says “A cat can purr its way out of anything”. Well, Stanley seems to think he can purr his way into anything.
Purring has been a weak point for Stanley. I ...
From One Scottish Fold to Another As I have been building this website devoted to the Scottish Fold in my life, Stanley . . .
. . . I’ve found some interesting things and had fun trying to share them in a fun way. I’ve also enjoyed sharing some of the photographs and stories about Stanley. He truly is a character. A ...
No Blotches on This Scottish Fold What do you do when you are walking around your Scottish Fold who is in the office doorway, he sits up wanting you to pick him up and you have a partial glass of red wine in your hand?
You know, if you back up to put the glass down on the nearest surface, the moment ...
The Scottish Fold and his Fancy Feast Yesterday I had to go to the store. I didn’t need anything, Stanley did. He was out of moist cat food. (Mind you, it wouldn’t really be the end of the earth if he went without for a day or two, but a routine is a routine.)
While I was at his store, I recalled that ...
My Scottish Fold Sighing You wonder just how much of Stanley reflects what he has picked up from being around his “owners” especially since he wasn’t raised by a cat. In the case of Stanley, his “owner” has been solely me for the last five years; just over half his life.
I know, in myself, I see hints of mannerisms ...
Mr. Independence from the Beginning From the beginning, Stanley was independent. Don and I had the kitten on our laps sitting on the sofa when he insisted on getting down at less than six days old. He proceeded to run across the room as quickly as his wobbly legs could carry him.
Even at that age, his goal was to get ...