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Scottish Fold Resources

My Scottish Fold, Stanley, found some great resources, like manuals, books, magazines and such, all related to the Scottish Fold.  He wants me to list them here for you, so here are a few. 

. . . Stanley particularly wants you to notice the black and white Scottish Fold on the cover of one of the manuals to owning the Scottish Fold . . .

. . . he thinks it might be a photograph of himself (I can’t break the news to him that it’s not).

Books On Or About The Scottish Fold For Various Ages

To learn more about the book or magazine or to purchase it, just ‘click’ on the image. 
Many are available in e-book, too.

Scottish Fold Manuals

   Scottish Fold Cats – A Complete Pet Owner’s Manual

   Guide To Owning A Scottish Fold Cat

                                        Scottish Fold Cats

Scottish Fold Cats (Cats Set III)

Historical Cats (by the owner of Norton – See the novels below)

Scottish Fold Novels

    A Cat Called Norton – True Story of an Extraordinary Cat & His Imperfect Human

    The Cat Who Went To Paris

     The Cat Abroad – Further Adventures of Norton, The Cat Who Went to Paris . . .

     The Cat Who’ll Live Forever – The Final Adventures of Norton, the Perfect Cat . . .

     Norton,  the Loveable Cat Who Traveled the World

    Forever Norton

    Daisy MacSnow, P.I. – The Napa Valley Scottish Fold Detective

    Sweet Scottish Folds

Scottish Fold Magazine Special Edition

    Cat Fancy Magazine May 2008 – The Loveable Scottish Fold

 The Scottish FoldStanley says if you are looking for any specific Scottish Fold resources or know of any other resources he should add here, to contact him via his contact page.  In the meantime, Stanley is on the search and will add them as we find them.


The Scottish FoldJust a note.  Come to find out, after ordering the various non-fiction books about Norton, the Scottish Fold, there are only three books.  The other titles are the same books published abroad in the United Kingdom.  Stanley says, if you have any questions about which ones are duplicates, contact him and he will clue you in.  And, just so you know, Norton’s story is amazing, interesting and heart wrenching.  For more about Norton, check out Stanley’s stories.


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