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Random Quote

Any cat who misses a mouse pretends it was aiming for the dead leaf.

— Charlotte Gray

Stanley’s Ads

The Breed

It’s always a good thing to know what you might be getting into before you get into it.

That’s why Stanley and I thought you might want to know a little about the Scottish Fold.

Learn more about spotting a Scottish Fold, the Scottish Fold temperament, Scottish Fold health issues, Scottish Fold oddities, and see whether you might be a good fit for a Scottish Fold of your own . . .


The Scottish Fold paw print  The Scottish Fold Temperament

The Scottish Fold paw print  The Scottish Fold Health Issues

The Scottish Fold paw print  The Scottish Fold Interesting Facts

       — Two Docile Cat Breeds Related to Scottish Fold Breeding

The Scottish Fold paw print  Is The Scottish Fold For You?


Stanley, the Scottish Fold, in his favorite chair

Stanley sunning in his favorite chair. 2012.