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A cat is there when you call her – if she doesn’t have something better to do.

— Bill Adler

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Scottish Fold Links

Stanley believes links to useful or just plain interesting sites is a great help when you are looking for Scottish Fold-related sites or sites Scottish Folds might find interesting.  Here are a few . . .

. . .  and more links for the Scottish Fold will be added soon.

Just “click” on the link to take you to the site.

The Scottish Fold paw printFor adoption tips and donating by shopping, go to the Tails High cage-free cat rescue and adoption site.


The Scottish Fold paw printFor cat food, supplies, toys and more at discounted prices, go to Pet Food Direct.


The Scottish Fold paw print

Stanley thinks Zuke’s Hip Action is great for his joints and he likes, no loves, the Salmon flavor.  He finds them locally and through Amazon at Pet Food Direct.


The Scottish FoldStanley wants to add his own calendar here, too.  We’ll see . . . Yep.  Stanley won.  Here’s a link to his calendar.


The Scottish Fold paw printFor homemade dinners or treats, go to – cat food recipes.  These are from cat owners.  You can add any of your own recipes here, too. 


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