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The smallest feline is a masterpiece.

— Leonardo da Vinci

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Stanley’s New Friends

Stanley has loved receiving emails, hearing about his fellow Scottish Folds, and answering their questions and concerns. 

Because Stanley has received emails from all over the world.  He thought it might be fun to share a little about some of the emails and any photographs that might be sent. 

The Scottish Fold paw print   Ridvan, from Turkey, wrote to Stanley with a question about the quality of a Scottish Fold kitten and a concern about her facial expression.  From the sounds of it, the kitten sounded quite unique with her lilac coloring.  Stanley is hoping Ridvan will send him a photograph.

 The Scottish Fold paw print Yvonne with Misty wrote from southeastern Australia!  Misty has been shown several times and evidently the judges love her head qualities.  Stanley might have been a little jealous when he read about Misty’s triple fold ears, but enjoyed hearing from Yvonne and Misty.

Stanley helped me reply back to Misty.  We attached a few photographs, too.  One photograph showed the length of Stanley’s tail, another was showing how well behaved Stanley FINALLY became while trimming his nails, and the other two photographs were of the two Scottish Folds entered in last year’s local cat show in the “Household Pets” category.  (Stanley is almost tempted to enter this year’s show, but probably won’t.)  Good luck to Misty in the future!

The Scottish Fold paw print  Mariah with Andy, Marbles, Williby and Zoey wrote from Kansas near Topeka.  Stanley tried to answer their email, but the return email address was incorrect, so we mailed a reply through the postal system.

The Scottish Fold paw print  Diego and Gustav wrote from Rio de Janeiro and had a great question about Gustav’s fold changing.  After answering their email, Stanley added the information to his website, too.